Essential ftir software crack
Essential ftir software crack

essential ftir software crack essential ftir software crack

HORIBA Scientific’s LabSpec 6 Software is Enhanced for Regulatory Compliance by ensuring security and data integrity controls that enable compliant use of HORIBA Raman microscopes within regulated laboratory environments. LabSpec 6 allows comprehensive system control, and advanced data acquisition/analysis routines, including fast mapping, kinetic studies, high throughput screening, programmed high temperature and high-pressure analysis. The power, versatility and flexibility of our hardware is matched by LabSpec 6’s ease of use and high-level functionality. LabSpec 6 operates all components and accessories of HORIBA Scientific Raman systems, whatever the application: research, analytical, quality or process control. It offers complete and versatile functionality for acquisition, processing, analysis, and display of data, in addition to flexible automation solutions. HORIBA Scientific’s LabSpec 6 Spectroscopy Suite provides an intuitive, powerful software platform for imaging and spectroscopy by Raman, photoluminescence (PL), cathodoluminescence (CL) and AFM-Raman. Enjoy a wonderful User eXperience with the unique features of Labspec 6 imaging and spectroscopy software!

Essential ftir software crack